Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another note on racism...

I know racism and sexism were our topics for last week, but I thought this was interesting in light of all the "niceties" that have been going around lately. Videos and stories like the Al Smith dinner speeches available on Kasey's blog seem to have masked, even a little, the slander and mud-slinging of the 2008 debates and campaigning. But the video below proves that, even if McCain and Palin are playing nice, the campaign teams are still hard at it.

The LA Times ran an article today about a photo that recently appeared in a Republican newsletter in California illustrating a fake $10 food stamp with Barack Obama's face on a donkey surrounded by fried chicken, kool-aid, and watermelon. Republicans who viewed the newsletter were horrified, but the editor claimed she had no idea the image had racial implications.

1 comment:

KC said...

I just can't and won't believe that the people who designed that didn't know of couldn't see the racism in it. This was really shameful.