Sunday, November 02, 2008

Definitely entertaining...but Presidential?

McCain's spot on SNL last night was certainly more amusing than Sarah Palin's appearances, but this is now two SNL cameos from the Republican candidates before election day. Smart move? I'm not so sure. Obama's television exposure lately has been nothing short of presidential, and I'm sure he has his many advisors to thank for that. But I wonder what exactly McCain is trying to do? Is he giving up? The 6-minute skit below is one of those entertaining-because-it's-true scenarios, and I'm not sure that's what the American people need to refuel their support or confidence in the Republican presidential nominee. But that's just my opinion.

Interesting also that Sarah Palin did not appear with him. Does her absence reinforce the humorous message Tina Fey presents? It certainly seems so.

PS. Don't forget your free cup of coffee at Starbucks on Tuesday! Woot!

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